Wicehtowak Workforce Development Program Mandate:
To empower our clients into making confident, long lasting employment choices while providing the tools and necessary resources to foster an attitude of continual growth, career focus and sense of accountability for ones own success.
Our Vision: Wicehtowak prides its success in the clients themselves. Building champions strengthens the attitude of the entire community and creates value by highlighting the confidence of our successful Indigenous role models. In turn a sense of ownership and accountability is strengthened among the community. The importance and benefits of a healthy, sustained and accountable lifestyle are ultimately united through our champions.

Workforce Development currently offers: Onsite computer lab, client consultation Monday – Friday 9-4, Resume writing and job application process, Interview assessments, mentor-ship support, unique training opportunities, premium career opportunities and individual supports.
Previous program initiatives include: Heavy equipment operating, class 1a, environmental monitoring, solar panel installation training, safety construction, hospitality and tourism and Entrepreneurial Grants Program.
Wicehtowak Workforce Development Program has been in operation through George Gordon Developments LP since 2015 and has proven success in delivering training & employment programs & Services to Indigenous clients. The training and employment placements were primarily developed through the GGDL business ventures and industry partnerships and other partnerships established by the WWDP. Over the course of four years, the program has networked with over 300 employers, trained & or employed 500+clients and has provided over 700 clients with programs & services within the workforce development program & referral process with other community resources.
Wicehtowak Workforce Development Programs & Services is for Indigenous Peoples in Regina, Saskatchewan and area will focus on identifying the potential Indigenous clientele, 18 years and over. The program will establish a database of potential employees which will include skills, education, experience, certification and other related job qualifications for each potential candidate and will focus on the following outcomes, utilizing the Outcomes Based Contract Management (OBCM) process:
- Participants will develop an individualized employment action plan which identifies goals, skills, strengths, barriers and outlines attainable steps to achieve the goals.
- Participants will develop fundamental workplace skills, basic literacy, numeracy and computer skills.
- Participants will develop & apply personal marketing tools such as resumes, cover letters and applications forms. Participants will understand the workplace culture and norms within Saskatchewan.
- Participants will use transition plans to access services required to successfully work and live in urban centers;
- Participants will access community resources to address specific
personal employment barriers; - Indigenous participants will have an enhanced labor market connections.
Workforce Development Program staff will work with Indigenous clients who are underrepresented & or facing barriers in the workforce. These Indigenous clients will be provided personal marketing tools such as life/communication skills & job readiness tools such as cover letter, interview skills, resumes workshops and job application process forms. The workforce development program will host 1-week soft skills & employment readiness workshops in the training room at our facility. Participants will set education, personal and career goals with monitored progress. Participants will obtain education & training to enhance their skill set in order to obtain and maintain competitive employment.
Objective: Engage in recruitment and outreach of Indigenous participants both on and off reserve. Partner with local employers to promote George Gordon Developments Ltd participants and services. Ensure successful ongoing attachment to the labor market for aboriginal job seekers.
WWDP will deliver programs & services to 150+ clients who fall into 2 categories, work ready participants and not work ready participants. WWDP will increase skills training and employment opportunities for Aboriginal participants 18+. Support Aboriginal participants in successful transition from reserve to urban setting.
Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wicehtowak/
For further information contact Program Manager:
Erin Bitternose
2704 10th Avenue Regina, SK
Celeste Pelletier – Career Services Coordinator