George Gordon First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Settlement Agreement was ratified on February 15, 2008 and became effective on August 11, 2008.
Canada and Saskatchewan agreed to pay George Gordon First Nation – Canada – $20.662 million – Saskatchewan $6 million over 6 years as compensation for 8,960 shortfall acres which is included in the 115,712 Saskatchewan Formula Quantum acres.
The Settlement specifies a corporate Trustee and eligible uses of Settlement money. The audit lists the money as “externally restricted capital”; meaning that there are limits on the use of the money. The corporate trustee is Royal Trust; all TLE accounts are at Royal Bank of Canada.
- The opportunities presented through TLE acquisition enables George Gordon First Nation to generate a source of wealth for future generations.
What is Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE)?
- Under the terms of Treaty 4 (1874) the Crown was obligated to complete a Census of Cree, Saulteaux, and other Indians.
- Reserve land was to be set aside at the rate of one square mile per family of five (5). This equates to 128 acres per person.
- Some people were absent when the census was done. This resulted in George Gordon First Nation not having the proper amount of Reserve land set aside. (Shortfall)
- When TLE Settlement Agreements are reached, a formula calculates a pro-rated adjustment based upon current population. (Equity Acres)
As of March 28, 2018, George Gordon First Nation has achieved Shortfall by turning 10,128.86 acres to reserve status.
George Gordon First Nation has achieved Shortfall which will provide new advantages.
- Upper limit on the purchase price per acre will be removed.
- TLE Principal Trust can be used to leverage additional finances.
- Mineral rights will not be required for reserve creation but will be a critical purchase decision.
- access to $4 million for Band Development is available.
GGFN TLE Mandate is to:
To acquire lands surrounding the George Gordon First Nation and other areas.
To acquire lands with long term economic development potential including agricultural lands, lands in & around urban centers, and land with mineral development potential. TLE Coordinator primarily responsible to work in partnership with Chief & Council and TLE Board.
Use of TLE Funds
To acquire lands, costs associated with land acquisitions (board expense, associated expense, operating expenses, other expenses, reinvestment fund for land purchase), and band development.
Working together in Collaboration:
George Gordon First Nation Membership
The membership represents the ultimate beneficiary of the Treaty Land Entitlement Settlement. The membership of George Gordon First Nation includes both on and off reserve members. Outside of band elections and employees of band administration, members currently do not have a formal role in land acquisition and development.
Chief & Council (Band Council)
The Band Council is the duly elected Chief and Council of GGFN. The Band Council is the single shareholder in George Gordon TLE Holdings Inc. Through its Band Council membership on George Gordon TLE Holdings Inc. it provides oversight to the corporation and approves land acquisition. Chief and Council have final approval on land acquisition opportunities.
TLE Board
The George Gordon First Nation Treaty Land Entitlement Board (TLE Board) is responsible for guiding TLE land acquisitions and ensuring proper process and due diligence are made related to acquisitions and land use. It makes recommendations to the Chief and Council of the George Gordon First Nation regarding specific land acquisition opportunities and band Development.
TLE Coordinator
The TLE Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the TLE land acquisition and management activities on behalf of GGFN. TLE Coordinator works with the Board and Chief & Council throughout the evaluation phase and conducts the due diligence on land acquisition.
George Gordon TLE Holdings Inc.
George Gordon TLE Holdings Inc. is the holding corporation acting as a trustee on behalf of George Gordon First Nation to receive, hold, manage, and transfer title to lands acquired by GGFN. The holding corporation is responsible for acquiring and accepting title to Entitlement Land purchased by GGFN, entering into agreements regarding Entitlement Land, repair, maintenance, and management of Entitlement Land. Furthermore, the holdings corporation is responsible for the fiscal management, including revenues and expenses, related to Entitlement Lands. The Band Council is Board of Directors.